Community Place Conductor Restrictions

Community Place Conductor Beta2

- Bugs

o You cannot attach scripts on LOD nodes.
o When two Viewer Windows are used, your changing of tilt for one window
  changes another window's tilt.
o When two Viewer Windows are used, going back to home position in one
  window changes another window's viewpoint.

- Restrictions

In addition to the restrictions of CyberPassage 1.0 Beta2, CyberPassage
Conductor has the following restrictions:

o The Conductor cannot uncompress files such as XX.gz, YY.jpg.
o Tk is not supported.
o Kinemation is not supported.
o The Conductor cannot communicate with Netscape.
o When saving a world, the file size may become bigger compared to the
  original one.
o You cannot edit Group, LOD, Switch, and WWWInline nodes.
o The menu command Edit|Group creates a new separator and puts all selected
  objects in the separator. That is, this command does not hide the
  components in the group, and you can edit each component by selecting it in
  the Nodelist Form.
o When you select multiple objects, only the first-selected object is
  highlighted in the Nodelist Window.
o You cannot cut/copy/paste each face in IndexedFaceSets. When you want to
  manipulate faces in face by face manner, you have to ungroup the
o When you save a world with textures, movies, and scripts, the saved VRML
  file refers all those "supporting" files using their local URLs. For
  example, the 'filename' field of a Texture node may be something like 
  'file:///c|/vsCPC/bin/datalib/texture/foo.bmp'. This causes a problem when
  you want to upload the VRML file on a WWW server since remote hosts cannot
  access supporting files referred with local URLs.
o The Conductor's color map is a bit different from that of CyberPassage due
  to the difference of color system between Win16 and Win32. We strongly
  recommend you to check colors using CyberPassage1.0 Beta2.
o The Conductor only supports the following events: CreateNotify, Pick, and
o You cannot edit scripts in the "override" mode.

- Bug Fixes

The following bugs of CyberPassage Conductor1.0 Beta1 are fixed:

o Save
  The menu command File|Exit does not save edited world automatically. You
  have to save the world explicitly using File|Save menu command.

o Sound and Light
  If you drag & drop a new sound node after deleting a sound object, it causes
  an error. To avoid this problem, you have to save the world after deleting
  sound objects.
  You can not rotate sound and light objects interactively in the Viewer
  Window. To rotate them, you have to use the Transformation Window.
  Bounding cubes of sound and light objects are not displayed when you select
  them. You can confirm that they are selected checking the Nodelist Window.

- Improvements

o You can attach anchors to objects by selecting an object and inputing a
  URL in the Anchor field in Attribute List Window. You cannot edit an
  anchor node directly even if you select it in Node List Window. In the
  play mode, you can see anchor's URLs by locating the mouse cursor on
  objects with anchors.
o You can set the background color and texture of worlds.
o You can start a new world by the menu command File|New.
o You can drag & drop VRML files to edit them.
o Online help of Tcl API is bundled. You can see the manual by pressing F1
  key in Script View Window.
o When you exit from Play mode, Viewer Window is set to be in Navigation
  mode with attention off.
o ScriptView Window's font is changed. The tab stop in the window is two.
o Alignment Window does not support canceling.
o You can decompose an IndexedFaceSet with multiple faces into a group of
  IndexedFaceSets, each of which has a face. This operation is realized by 
  the menu command Edit|Ungroup.

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